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Treating yourself with a Session creates a space of understanding, healing and growth for yourself. The Sessions are offered as a support for you on your individual path in life and I am with you as a friend and a fellow traveller.


Currently I offer the following sessions online:


Metaphysical Reading

The Alchemy Package

Inner Guidance


Please read the descriptions and practical information below before making a booking. If you are interested to receive a distant healing, just send me a message via the contact form.

I offer Osho Prana Healing and Osho Neo-Reiki on request.


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Drop the idea of becoming someone because you already are a masterpiece. It cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it.



Metaphysical Reading

This session is a very nourishing, healing and magical treat. As a Metaphysical Reader I am available for you just like a mirror describing energetic patterns in your energy field, your Aura. These energetic patterns in your Chakras and Subtle Bodies (layers of your Aura) are the roots of your self-image, behaviour, actions and life patterns. They may carry valuable karmic learnings, longings and perhaps unknown qualities and talents. It is 'a seeing' into the subtle world.


During the session often a let go of the past, more clarity for the present and/or a guidance for the next chapter in your life happens. It can be a process of a deep healing. Hidden or unknown aspects of yourself can show themselves and you become more conscious about who you are in a very luxurious way of relaxation.


I am describing with words what is shown to me as images, symbols, visions, feelings, emotions, body sensations, words and sounds.


The Metaphysical Reading is a distant treatment. I record the complete session and send you the file afterwards for listening. This will be your support for your further healing and growth.



The Alchemy Package

As a possibility for a new way of living in balance, harmony and peace with ourselves, this package of 4 sessions offers understanding and new ways to bring positive change into your life. The process is a deep inner alchemical transformation and healing. 


In this package you experience the 2 basic aspects of your life energy. You are sometimes active-passive, spiritual-material, asleep-awake, conscious-unconscious and experience often contradictory and confusing polarities in the waves of your everyday's experiences.


These basic polarities are also understood as 'Male and Female' or 'Inner Man and Inner Woman', representing the 2 hemispheres of your brain. Your left hemisphere represents the 'Inner Man' and the right represents the 'Inner Woman'. These 2 hemispheres function in completely different or even opposite ways. You might experience them as different parts of your personality, different needs and desires or inner conflicts, confusion and stress. If not understood consciously they become the source of your problems and tensions - within and without.


By exploring the male and female energies, you can discover a new understanding of your body-mind system and your potential. You learn practical ways to include this inner couple into your daily life which will become the creative key to positive change and expansion in your life.


Balance, harmony, love, peace, happiness, alignment with your natural life path and synchronicity or oneness with the whole are available inside !


The 4 sessions will be 90 min. each and happen live online via Zoom. Between each session is 1 day break with homework. So the whole process continues 24/7. Time wise you should commit yourself for about one week's time.



Inner Guidance

In this session called Inner Guidance you are encouraged and supported to turn your attention from the outside to the inside and to learn from your inner world. It knows the perfect and best way to your well-being, happiness, fulfilment and life path. The solutions or answers that you might search for or need are always already available inside. In other words, what has created your conflict, problem or any other form of stress and tensions - it knows the way to uncreate, to release and relax. This inbuilt intelligence of your life energy knows what is natural and good for you living your life.


During a session you learn how to listen to the language of your inner, how to flow with your life energy, how to relax into your truth and how to manifest change into your outer life in an easy way. This will synchronise and align you with your deeper or higher aspects.


You can choose this session to transform anything that creates stress or tension in your life, anything that can be better. This stress can be psychological such as conflicts, anxiety, depression, confusion, addiction, fear and panic, self-destructive behaviour,  trauma and shock and other difficult states. The stress and tensions can also be a physical disharmony or a sickness.


The session happens live online via Zoom. 


Practical Information

The time format of a session is 60 or 90 min.

I also offer session packages (3 x 60 min. session)

for deeper experiences.


The session language is English.

You should be 18+ years of age to book a session.

If you need a translator, please check with me before you make a booking.


If you have any medical condition or 

if you are seeing a therapist,

please contact me before booking.


The work is not replacing any kind of medical or therapeutic treatment but can be understood as an additional support.



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